Policy for Outings

Statement of Intent:

Small Wonders Childcare support the right of the child to be safe and to protect from all forms of maltreatment, exploitation, physical, mental or sexual abuse and harm as outlined in articles 19 and 34 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 and in compliance with The Children (N.I.) Order 1995. Small Wonders Childcare support the child’s development in ways which foster security, confidence and independence. Small Wonders Childcare Policy in compliance with the Belfast Trust is to ensure that all staff are qualified to meet the necessary level of professional experience. Small Wonders Childcare aim to ensure that staff are well informed about Child Protection issues on an annual basis and in line with current legislation to develop awareness skills of personal safety for staffs on protection and the protection of the child, based on the Kidscape programme.


Small Wonders Childcare will seek advice from the Belfast Trust and Belfast City Council on recommended venues for possible Children’s Outings. Small Wonders Childcare in consultation with the staff and management will present an itinerary of outings to the parents/carers. Where transportation is required, Small Wonders Childcare will ensure that all vehicles are seat belted. On outings Staff and Children will picnic or lunch together. Toilet provision, will be assigned for a group of children and staff. As a Safety Issue on Child Care Ratio and in compliance with the new EU Regulations stating that Employees may work a six hour shift with out a Tea Break, when on outings Staff will not be permitted break time that would jeopardize the level of Child Care Ratio.

  • Permission slips from parents/guardians for each outing must be obtained
  • A Key Worker system is necessary with children allocated to a particular member of staff
  • A Mobile Phone must be carried on every outing
  • A Mobile First Aid Box must be taken on every outing
  • A designated First Aid Person must be assigned to every outing
  • Every child must wear the Uniformed Sweater.
  • All Staff at ALL TIMES must remain in UNIFORM whilst working and on an outing
  • All Staff must be properly identified by wearing a Named Badge
  • A responsible person in Charge, Deputy/Room Leader must be assigned to every trip
  • There are to be No Staff Breaks on outings
  • A Log Book with the children’s names, and any known allergies and emergency telephone contact numbers must be on every outing
  • All staff must wear a watch and frequently check and be aware of the time
  • Staff to be briefed prior to each outing
  • No unauthorized change of Venue will be permitted
  • Staff to agree on a rendezvous point on all outings
  • Frequent head counts must be done at 15 minute intervals
  • Details of head counts must be reported to Deputy/Room Leader and recorded
  • Each child should have a change of clothing
  • Sun Screen must be applied frequently to children
  • Children should always be appropriately attired

The scheduled outings are for the enjoyment of the children and as an enhancement to the curriculum offered in Small Wonders Childcare. It is important on the outings that Staff continue to interact with the child on the level of care and competence that is expected from Small Wonders Childcare. All Staff on outings are acting for Small Wonders Childcare and must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times.

Shankill Women's Centre funded by the EU